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About Us


Catsfield Pre-school is located in the rural village of Catsfield, just outside Battle, East Sussex.


​We are OFSTED Registered No: 109396 and a Registered Charity No: 1036464 

We welcome children from 2-5 years.


Early Years Education Entitlement (E.Y.E.E)


2 year old funding - We are registered for two year old funding. If your family situation matches the current government criteria on income/circumstance then you may be entitled to 15hours free childcare for your two year old - to apply visit



3 year old funding - All children, regardless of household income, are currently entitled to 15 hours free pre-school education from the term after they turn three.


3 year old extended funding - for some working families of children aged 3 and 4 years

go to ; check your eligibility


If your child attends Catsfield Pre-school with Government funded hours you can be reassured that there are NO hidden costs




We are a term time only setting and offer various session options within our opening times:

Monday         9am -3pm   (2-5 years)

Tuesday         9am -3pm   (2-5 years)

Wednesday  Closed

Thursday       9am -12.30pm  (2-5 years)

Friday            9am -3pm   (2-5 years)


Our sessions run mornings, afternoons and all day please contact us for details on available sessions. 


If your child is not entitled to any of the above funding please contact us for our latest fee structure.


 Our fully trained staff have a wealth of childcare knowledge and experience ensuring that Catsfield Pre-school offers a stimulating and challenging experiences through an extensive and creative range of activities covering all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S) Encouraging  and including all children to reach their full potential and readying them for school.

What we've been doing

The last term has flown by! We have been busy welcoming a few new children to Catsfield Pre-school it's wonderful to see us busy and thriving after a period of transition. Parent and child feedback questionnaires have been of great value to help build on our parent partnership and the return of our open door policy in the mornings has been a breath of fresh air.

We welcome Rachel to join our staff team part time from April. She offers 17 years experience in early years and a Cache level 2 qualification in childhood studies. She has built strong connections with our quieter children who are drawn to her kind calm nature.


After a period of consideration Jess has handed in her resignation, but agreed to join our bank staff. I'm sure we will see her soon! We wish her well after so many years devoted to nurturing and caring for the children of Catsfield. Thank you Jess!

What we are doing this term...


Space 🌌🚀

Stars and the sun, what is an orbit? Explained in a cake tin. The Starry night by Van Gogh spray painting mural. Space jelly, star catching, space suit and rocket pack training school.


The Moon and Planet Earth 🌍

What is gravity? Who is Neil Armstrong and what was Appolo,11? Space rocket build begins. Fizzy moons and planet earth popcorn!


Planets and the solar system, space walks on the moon, space station maths.

Physical space training,  space suits and rocket packs and moon boots at the ready. Milk planets experiments and asteroid tossing.



What ever next!  by Jill Murphy.

Aliens in underpants save the world. By Claire Freedom and Ben Cort.

The boy who switched off the sun. By Paul Brown.

Can't wait!!

What we've been doing

Copyright 2023 Catsfield Pre-school

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